Tag Archives: Berkey Water Filter

Berkey Water Filter California

  Berkey Water Filter California The Berkey Water Filter California Conundrum. Berkey Water Filters are the best portable water filters you can buy! If you happen to live in California or Iowa, you will not be able to purchase directly from the manufacturer because of “red tape” in those states. I live in California myself and had to get mine shipped to an out of state friend and then forwarded to me until I discoved a couple alternate sources that worked for me. Berkey California and Iowa sales have different requirements which will be discussed directly below.   It seems anything that can stop you from being poisoned naturally is made hard to purchase in California, and Iowa now too. The good news is that where there is a need, sources will eventually pop up and present themselves. Until we can get rid of money in politics, I guess that's the way it will be. I won't let that stop me from being naturally healthy and having adequate emergency items that I need for myself and my family. I won't drink their toxic tap water either, and neither should you.       Why Can't I Buy a Berkey in California? Why Can't I Buy a Berkey in California? You can buy the smaller sized Berkey Filters like the Travel Berkey, Berkey Light and Go …

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Is Drinking Tap Water Safe?

what is in my tap water

Is Drinking Tap Water Safe?     What's in Tap Water? Is Drinking Tap Water Safe? Is Bottled Water any Better? What is the best drinking water? Usually No, Not Much, and Filtered Water are the answers to the the first three questions. Unless you live in an area like Yosemite National Forest where there water is from melted snow and no fluoride or chemicals added, your tap water is probably not healthy to drink. So, what's in Tap Water?   Tap Water is water from any source (mountain, river, reservoir, reclaimed waste water) that has been treated to prevent some of the major waterborne illnesses like dysentery and Montezuma's revenge. Chlorine, Fluoride and other chemicals are added to make it sterilized. But it it healthy? Are there harmful and gross things in my tap water?   Here are the major things that are showing up in tap water: Lead (not just in Michigan either!) Radiation (being detected in pacific coast water supplies) Fluoride (added for your teeth, so they say) Heavy Metals (Mercury, Aluminum, Barium, Lead) Arsenic Glyphosates and Pesticides  Flushed Prescription Medicines (hormone disrupters, statins, anxiety meds, pain meds, etc.) Brain eating amoeba, viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold spores Chlorine and other toxic chemicals   And these are just a handful of the thousands of chemicals and toxins that are ALLOWED into your drinking tap …

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